  • Q1 哪些車輛需投保汽(機)車強制險? | Which vehicles require compulsory auto/motorcycle insurance?







    Vehicles requiring compulsory insurance include:
    1. Vehicles defined in Article 2-10 of the Highway Act (excluding military vehicles during combat operations).
    2. Power machinery requiring temporary permits under Article 83 of Road Traffic Safety Rules.
    3. Vehicles still in operation after license plate retirement, return, deposit, cancellation, revocation, or withdrawal.
    4. Micro electric two-wheelers as defined in Article 5-1 of the Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance Act.

  • Q2 收到汽機車續保繳費單,如因過期未繳納,還能持原繳費單至超商或銀行繳費嗎?保險生效日如何計算? | If I receive a renewal payment slip for auto/motorcycle insurance and it expires without payment, can I still use the original payment slip at convenience stores or banks? How is the insurance effective date calculated?



    Under the current billing system, payment must be completed before the effective date. If the payment deadline is exceeded, the original payment slip cannot be used. Please contact your sales representative for a new quote and payment slip. After receiving the new payment slip, complete the payment within the agreed effective period for the insurance to take effect.

  • Q3 意外傷害險保單是否有包括「骨折未住院」的保障,要如何確認? | Does the accident insurance policy include coverage for "fracture without hospitalization" and how can I verify this?



    Fracture without hospitalization is a rider to the daily hospital benefit in accident insurance; therefore, accident insurance with daily hospital benefit includes fracture without hospitalization coverage.

  • Q4 想投保寵物險要到哪邊保? | Where can I purchase pet insurance?



    Currently, both paper and online applications for pet insurance are suspended.

  • Q5 何謂航程保單與時間保單? | What does "VOYAGE POLICY" & "TIME POLICY" mean?

    保險單之效力僅及於某一段航程者,謂之為航程保險單。 如保險單係以某一特定時段為保險有效期間者,稱為時間保險單。


    VOYAGE POLICY is a marine insurance policy covering only a stated voyage. TIME POLICY refers to the specified time for which the insured is covered under the marine insurance contract.

  • Q6 欲更改手機保險單的電話號碼及通訊地址 | How to change phone number and mailing address on mobile phone insurance policy?



    To modify mobile phone insurance basic information, please call 0800-528-528 during business hours (8:30-17:30), and a specialist will assist you.

  • Q7 信用卡保險是否需要額外申報程序才能獲得承保? | Is an additional declaration procedure required to obtain credit card insurance coverage?



    No additional declaration procedure is required; coverage is provided when the covered credit card is used to pay for the full airfare or more than 80% of the tour expenses.

  • Q8 什麼是微型保險? | What is Micro-insurance?



    Micro-insurance is insurance with low coverage amount, low premium, and simple protection content, providing basic coverage to promote risk distribution mechanisms among disadvantaged groups.