Q1 我是聽語障者,明台是否有提供手語服務? | I am hearing and speech impaired. Does MSIG Mingtai provide sign language services?
或您也可以利用「衛生福利部手語視訊轉譯中心」官網的服務與協助。Our company provides sign language video interpretation services by appointment. Please contact the financial friendly service staff at each service location. For appointment information, click here.
Alternatively, you can use the services and assistance from the "Ministry of Health and Welfare Sign Language Video Translation Center" website.
Q2 明台產險是否有進行溫室氣體盤查? | Does MSIG Mingtai conduct greenhouse gas inventory?
Yes, MSIG Mingtai has been conducting greenhouse gas inventory since 2021. Download complete [MSIG Mingtai Greenhouse Gas Inventory Reports].
Q3 明台產險是否成立永續委員會並進行相關事務推動? | Has MSIG Mingtai established a sustainability committee and promoted related initiatives?
Yes, MSIG Mingtai established a Sustainability Committee in June 2021 with several sustainability working groups under its jurisdiction, holding regular meetings to promote and govern sustainability-related matters. For more details, please see [Sustainability Management Structure].
Q4 如何瞭解明台產險於E、S、G等作為? | How can I learn about MSIG Mingtai's ESG initiatives?
MSIG Mingtai's recent initiatives in E (Environmental Sustainability), S (Social Inclusion), and G (Corporate Governance) are available under [Sustainability Actions].
Q5 明台產險是否有編製永續報告書? | Does MSIG Mingtai publish sustainability reports?
Yes, MSIG Mingtai has been publishing sustainability reports since 2021. Download complete [MSIG Mingtai Sustainability Reports].
Q6 明台產險獲得的永續相關獎項有哪些? | What sustainability-related awards has MSIG Mingtai received?
明台產險近年獲奬紀錄,請詳【亮點績效 - 獎項與榮耀】。
For MSIG Mingtai's recent sustainability awards, please refer to [Performance Highlights - Awards and Honors].
Q7 如何查詢明台服務據點的最新資訊? | How can I find the latest information about Mingtai service locations?
Mingtai Property Insurance covers service location information across all counties and cities in Taiwan.