Q1 欲更改手機保險單的電話號碼及通訊地址 | How to change phone number and mailing address on mobile phone insurance policy?
To modify mobile phone insurance basic information, please call 0800-528-528 during business hours (8:30-17:30), and a specialist will assist you.
Q2 欲更改手機保險單的被保險人姓名 | How to change the insured person's name on mobile phone insurance policy?
To modify mobile phone insurance basic information, please call 0800-528-528 during business hours (8:30-17:30), and a specialist will assist you.
Q3 詢問手機保險相關保障內容 | Inquiring about mobile phone insurance coverage details?
For policy clause details, please visit the the original purchase store or call 0800-528-528 during office hours (8:30-17:30), where a specialist will assist you.
Q4 只買空機可以投保手機險嗎 | Can I purchase mobile phone insurance for an unlocked phone?
The Chunghwa Telecom stores collaborating with MSIG Mingtai do not offer mobile phone insurance for an unlocked phone. Please visit a Chunghwa Telecom store or call 0800-528-528 during office hours (8:30-17:30), where a specialist will assist you.
Q5 未成年人如何申請手機保險以及如何填寫相關表單? | How can minors apply for mobile phone insurance and fill out related forms?
Minors must go to the store with their parents, signing at the policyholder signature section and the legal representative's signature section (minor + one parent). Alternatively, call 0800-528-528 during office hours (8:30-17:30) for assistance, where a specialist will assist you.
Q6 未成年消費者要投保,是否需要填寫未成年申請書? | Do minor consumers need to fill out a minor application form for insurance?
Minors must go to the store with their parents, signing at the policyholder signature section and the legal representative's signature section (minor + one parent). Alternatively, call 0800-528-528 during office hours (8:30-17:30) for assistance, where a specialist will assist you.
Q7 手機保險保單終止之保費計算方式 | How is the premium calculated when terminating mobile phone insurance?
For refund-related inquiries, please call 0800-528-528 during business hours (8:30-17:30), and a specialist will assist you.
Q8 購買筆記型電腦是否也可承保手機保險? | Can laptop computers be covered under mobile phone insurance?
Laptops are currently not included in the coverage. For detailed insurance information, please contact the original purchase store or call 0800-528-528 during business hours (8:30-17:30), and a specialist will assist you.